Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #9

7. What do you think this play reveals about our need for freedom? About the power of love? About good and evil? In your answers, consider how the play's themes relate to the themes of another work, such as The Taming of the Shrew.
This play reveals about our need for freedom because Anne was locked in the secret annex and I think that would of been really hard, but it said that it wasn't bad. I think it's because of love why they weren't dying to death. If they didn't have love they would be dead on the first week or so.

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #8

6. Why are there so many books, movies, documentaries, etc. about the Holocaust? Why do we keep retelling this story?
There are many books about Holocaust because it was an important history of the world and because many people died in the Holocaust. Also the Holocaust shows the effects of prejudice and how it affected the Jews.
People keep retelling the story because, I think, it's a good example of prejudice and many people remember it and also because the Holocaust shows the need for freedom and human rights.

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #7

f. Act l, Scenes 4,5: Describe how the Hanukkah celebration in Scene 5 is interrupted. What does Peter do to make matters worse? According to Dussel, how will this incident lead to their discovery by the police?
The theif interrupts the Hanukkah celebration. Peter falls of his chair to make things worse. According to Dussel, he thinks that the theif will report to the police and that they would get caught.

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #6

b. Act l, Scences 1 - 3: What do you think would be the hardest part of life in the Secret Annex: the fear of discovery, the need to keep silent for hours at a time, the sharing of cramped quarters with strangers, of some other aspect? Explain.
I think everything would be hard, but the most hardest thing would be that you cannot go outside. Human needs fresh air and fresh water, but you can't even go outside. I think most of the people might have commited suicide. Anne have to stay with Peter until she dies, that would be so painful. it would be better if it was a girl in her age instead of Peter.

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #5

a. Act l: "But always remember this, Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind." Explain what you think this statement means. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
I think this statement means that althought they are locked in the Secret Annex, their minds are free and that no one can lock anyones mind. I think it also means that they are comfortable in the Secret Annex althought they are locked in it.
I agree with this statement because although your phisical bodied are locked somewhere, nothing can lock your mind.

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #4

a. Foreshadowing: foreshadowing is the use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot. Why does Mr. Frank break down when he sees the glove?
The glove that Mr. Frank was holding was a lady's glove. The audience could have guessed that something unhappy might have happened to Mr. Frank. Since the glove was lady's glove and the title ot the book is "Anne's diary", it was foreshadowing that something unfortunate happened to Anne or Anne's family. The audience can expect, by reading this seen or watching this seen, that the book is a sad story. Also it foreshadows that someone is or was dead from a event.

b. Irony: Irony is a contrast between expectation and reality. What is ironic about these references to the outside world? p. 384 - Mr. Frank. I think there's nothing the matter with our Anne that a ride on her bike or visit with her friend Jopie de Waal wouldn't cure. Isn't that so, Anne?
This is ironic because outside people are dying and things are getting destroyed, but Mr. Frank is talking like this war has ended. The reality is that people are dying, but Mr. Frank is talking like if the war had really ended.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Drama Blogs: Anne Frank #3

In Scene two, Anne wirtes in her diary that Miep and Mr. Kraler are their protectors. She also writes that if the Nazis find out that they were hiding them, they would get the same punishment. This show that even though the times are hard for the people there are still those who help other people.